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The Economic Development Commission Held a regular meeting on Tuesday June 17, 2008 at the Multi purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT 06482. Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
PRESENT: Chairman Chet Hopper, Catherine Adsitt, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Morey, Robert Rau., John Torok T. JR.
ABSENT: Mitch Bolinsky, Monte Frank
ALSO ABSENT: Community Development & Planning Director Liz Stocker
ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES:  Ms. Adsitt moved to accept the minutes of the meeting on May 20, 2008 ,seconded by Mr. Rau. All in favor.
COMMUNICATIONS: Chairman Chet Hopper announced the formal acceptance of the $35,000 budget with no problems. Ms. Stocker had a meeting with the Fairfield Hills Authority (FHA) and talked about the Tech Park, the Batchelder  property,  and several grants. She Talked to First Selectman, Joe Borst, and Chairman Chet Hopper attended this meeting. Ms. Stocker suggested the Tech Park was not going any where because we’re out of the Capital Improvement Plan. Mr. Hopper talked to Will Rogers and he said that the project can go back in anytime during the year. He added that the Tech Park “not going anywhere” was just one person’s opinion. Mr. Borst was concerned that the 6 lot development wasn’t economical. The EDC is waiting for the market analysis to find out if people are looking for smaller buildings, who is looking, and what is available. Mr. Borst suggested eliminating Lot 9 and condensing Lot 6. Mr. Hopper said that he has the word of Mr. Herb Rosenthal and Mr. Paul Maginifico that the Tech Park will be put on the agenda.
Also discussed was that the FHA appears to be competitive, but they are not. Their main thrust is more along the lines of retail businesses, restaurants and boutiques. There is no comparison.
There was discussion on Ms. Stocker’s role with the EDC, now that she has more responsibility developing Newtown as a whole and not just Fairfield Hills.

REPORTS:  No report from the Director of Planning and Community Development, Liz Stocker.
A.      Review Tech Park Proposals and Fiscal Impacts
Chairman Chet Hopper discussed a report by Ted Kreinik that showed the escalating taxes for the proposal over a 15 year period. Mr. Kreinik discussed the report he created and said that there were some missing figures that maybe the new Financial Director, Mr. Bob Tate, could possibly fill in. Mainly, what this plan will cost to maintain. Comments were made about the Conservation Commission trying to put this plan to death. The image being present to the public is that the Tech Park is “ripping up pristine meadows, killing trout and trees”. Mr. Hopper added that we can’t win an emotional argument. Mr. Kreinik said that there were missing pieces in the report and that Ms. Stocker should fill them in. Mr. Hopper added that Personal Property tax figures can be put in. Mr. Torok said that we should go to the Finance Director to get figures on bond issues and he also agrees that we can’t win on emotion. Mr. Kreinik explained that the one card we have is fiscal impact.
Mr. Torok was concerned that Ms. Stocker is going to focus on Danbury Hospital or the Youth Academy and that she’ll lean towards those projects and not the EDC projects.
Mr. Kreinik informed the Commission about a Clean Energy Task Force meeting that he went to. There a company called Opel Technology gave a presentation on tracking solar panels that attract the sun and use it for energy. He said that a ½ acre of panels produces 240,000 kilowatts of power a year. The Federal government and the state will give credits to for profit companies who use solar energy. Mr. Kreinik then show photographs of the solar panels and passed around a brochure about the company. He added that Connecticut has the best state funds in the country for solar energy. Mr. Morey thought it was a good idea to turn land into generated revenue. Ms. Aditt opinion was that the panels had a small footprint and that with today’s energy costs no one should object and “beside the low profile tracker for flat roof installation is virtually invisible from street level”. Mr. Morey said that right now it is just speculation and more research should be done. Mr. Torok said “Going Green is great anyway and publically a positive spin”. Chairman Chet Hopper wanted to invite them (Opel Technology) to speak at the next meeting. The public should be welcome to this meeting.

Ms. Asditt gave a presentation about a meeting between her , Mr. Rau and Mr. Kreinik. She handed out a sheet outlining the SWOT Analysis (see Attachment A). She drafted questions such as “What are the strengths of Newtown, what works, and what needs to be strenghtend”. She suggested that we need an advocate to go talk to businesses to keep them in town. There was a discussion on home based businesses, how to make them more visible, the benefits of being more visible and guidelines for these businesses. Ms. Aditt suggested that these guidelines go on the web site. Mr. Hopper will talk to Human Resource Director, Carole Ross about a possible health care plan run by the town available for home based businesses. He also suggested getting an assistant for Ms. Stocker in the form of a sales job at $20,000 to $25,000 a year.
A.      A date was set for the Commercial Realtors Reception on July 22, 2008. Mr. Morey talked about the reception and it was agreed by the Commission to have it at the Dana Holcolmb House and feature wine and cheese and a power point presentation. There will be about 30 people invited and the cost will be about $600. Ms. Aditt suggested that we highlight local wines.

B.      Mr. Hopper: “Salute To Business”
The theme is to honor new businesses in Newtown. Ms. Stocker is going to send Mr. Hopper a list of businesses who have been saluted before. It was mentioned to get the developer of Curtis Park to speak.
Mr.Rob Morey moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Kreinik. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:45p.m.